Posts Tagged ‘Dating’

Gelato: Real Dating In Real Time

November 17, 2009

Gelato is the next generation of online dating. Instead of canned profiles and a bunch of questions of who you are or what you like, you can instead import the same information with less effort and more accuracy from the sites you use every day. Not only that, but your profile is updated constantly by your activity on those other sites.

There are no passwords to forget, simply sign in through Twitter or Facebook and import the data you want. This makes up most of your profile on Gelato.

Sure sure, if you want your regular “I like to take long walks on the beach” typed in profile, there is a space for that, but its not really needed.

Through your online updates, people can really get to know you. The real you. In real time. Your stream says a lot about you and your interests making it much easier for someone who shares those interests to find you.

Gelato also doesn’t limit its information to Twitter and Facebook. Gelato allows you import data from many of your favorite sites to help further your chances of finding a good match.

Music Buff? Rather than having your fingers fall off trying to type your list of favorite songs. Instead, you can add feeds from Pandora or

Photographer? You can import your Flickr.

Movies or TV more your thing? Import feeds from Hulu and Netflix.

You can also import information from Seesmic and Amazon.

Our creator, Steve Odom has made it so that with Gelato, you don’t have to work so hard to just be yourself. With our stream and the variety of imported information you choose, the old standby profiles are yesterday.

One of the greatest things though about Gelato is that with our feeds we make it hard to be fake. On normal sites with simple written profiles, its easy to lie and misrepresent yourself. With our feeds, it takes a whole lot more effort on quite a few other sites to really pull it off.

We’re all about genuine people finding like-minded people. That makes for better dates. And that is Gelato.

Dating Your Friend's Ex. The Ultimate Smite, or a Prelude to "Hugging it Out?"

November 16, 2009

This post isn’t really looking to offer any sort of advice really.  More or less I’m just unleashing some unsightly “thought vomit.”  You see, I’ve had this conversation before: Should you or shouldn’t you date your friend’s exes?  It’s a good question.  Most people I’ve talked to have a pretty hardliner stance on the whole thing.  However, I’ve been on both ends of this powder keg of a discussion… (more…)

Wooing Women With Baby Powder? Ugh.

November 10, 2009

I waited at Ruby’s for three hours tonight for Staff to arrive. Okay, well, I worked on some writing for two hours and then waited for Staff for the last. Still, three hours sounds so much better. He wanted Pinkberry and I find it unreasonable to say no to such things. We got our amazing-life-changing-yogurt-goodness and went on our outdoor mall walk. I like walking with Staff. He tells me everything I have to say is full of crap. I pretend not to listen to him. It’s a great friendship. (more…)

Making Plans

November 6, 2009

Somewhere along the lines, I heard what I think is a great piece of dating advice.
Never make plans for the future that are further in the future than your past together.

In other words, if you’ve been dating for a week, don’t make plans past next week. If you’ve been dating for three months, don’t make plans more than 3 months in the future.

Its a great rule of thumb to keep yourselves from getting too far ahead of yourselves, and I think it makes you less likely to buy that plane ticket to Thailand that you might regret after you learn more about the person you’re dating. It also keeps you from freaking the other person out with stuff that isn;’t first date material – i.e. until you’ve actually raised a child and sent him off to college, don’t talk about taking your grandkids to Disney. I’ve never seen anyone go that far, but I have known people to get way ahead of themselves.

Relax, enjoy the natural progression of things.

How do You Deal with Your Significant Other's Best Friend of the Opposite Sex?

November 5, 2009

This is a topic that, surprisingly, I don’t tend to discuss a lot with my friends.  I say “surprisingly” because most anyone that knows me knows that I feel that true friendships between men and women can’t exist without some sort of latent attraction, which has the potential to “blow the whole thing up!”  Needless to say, I’m likely in the minority on that opinion.  However, the thing that intrigues me is how a couple regards each others’ best friends, if they’re of the opposite sex.  Is there some dynamic to worry about?  Do you protest the friendship?  Do you limit how often your partner hangs out with their best friend?  What do you do? (more…)

How Do You Deal With Your Baggage?

November 3, 2009

Baggage.  It’s not a term left for your carry-ons anymore.  Baggage is a term used to describe people with lingering issues.  It can mean any number of things.  It could refer to someone who’s still hung up on an ex after a bitter split.  It could be someone who has an arm growing out of their forehead… From body mutations, emotional asphyxiation, to physical exasperation, baggage is something we all consider before we “get serious” with someone and if one doesn’t then they should. (more…)

The 8 Minute Dating Experiment Part 2: The Dates

October 29, 2009

As I’d mentioned in my last post I had gone to a speed dating event.  Let me tell you, it was interesting.  It was pretty much what I expected and it tested my ability to strike up conversations with strangers and keep things moving with women that, well, were challenging.  All in all it was a pretty positive experience and I’d do it again, I think.  That said, how did my night go?  Oh and the names have been changed to protect the not so innocent. (more…)

Online Dating Tips for Women from Stacey Moroney.

October 28, 2009

I noticed that I had a new follower on the @theurbandater account from Stacey Moroney @the1thatuwant.  I took a look to read the content on her blog and found some great nuggets of information for online dating for the guys and gals.  I figured I’d take the liberty of listing some her content here, since I liked it so much.

Without further ado, here are just a couple of Stacey Moroney’s online dating tips.
(To see the rest of her tips please go to the original article)

TheOneThatYouWant Top 10 Tips for Online Dating:

To help you find Mr or Mrs Right in the world of Online Dating we have broken down the Top 10 Online Dating Advice tips to help increase your success in the world of Online Dating so you can date smarter and safer and meet TheOneThatYouWant!

1. Take time to write a careful winning online profile. Be open and honest about yourself, what’s the point in lying the truth will come out eventually. You wouldn’t want other people to mislead you online so don’t do it to other.

2 Describe the person that you would like to meet in detail. If you want to date someone who has never been married with no children, say so.

IM Confessionals: Breaking Up is Hard to Do.

October 27, 2009

So the other night I had a conversation with a friend of mine I’m yannibmbr, obviously, and she’s fallingstarsncards and the chat went a little like this: (more…)

The 8 Minute Dating Experiment.

October 23, 2009

MissC had written about her speed dating experiences not too long ago.  It’s something that I’ve been trying to do for a while now but for some reason or other it’s just never happened.  Speed dating was quite the fad and wildly popular around these parts not so long ago.  While this dating mechanism isn’t as popular as it once was, it still draws in a large number of people and there are a number of organizations that still put speed dating events together.  That said, I’m attending one today… How does one prepare for the occassion? (more…)