Archive for October, 2009

How Do Men & Women Remember a Relationship?

October 30, 2009

I was out with a female friend of mine not too long ago.  We were talking about relationships and what not.  We took up the topic of the things that we remember about relationships and what meaning we derive from them.  I found this discussion intriguing because, well, I’d never really thought too much about it.  So how do men and women view relationships in retrospect, when all is said and done? (more…)

The 8 Minute Dating Experiment Part 2: The Dates

October 29, 2009

As I’d mentioned in my last post I had gone to a speed dating event.  Let me tell you, it was interesting.  It was pretty much what I expected and it tested my ability to strike up conversations with strangers and keep things moving with women that, well, were challenging.  All in all it was a pretty positive experience and I’d do it again, I think.  That said, how did my night go?  Oh and the names have been changed to protect the not so innocent. (more…)

Online Dating Tips for Women from Stacey Moroney.

October 28, 2009

I noticed that I had a new follower on the @theurbandater account from Stacey Moroney @the1thatuwant.  I took a look to read the content on her blog and found some great nuggets of information for online dating for the guys and gals.  I figured I’d take the liberty of listing some her content here, since I liked it so much.

Without further ado, here are just a couple of Stacey Moroney’s online dating tips.
(To see the rest of her tips please go to the original article)

TheOneThatYouWant Top 10 Tips for Online Dating:

To help you find Mr or Mrs Right in the world of Online Dating we have broken down the Top 10 Online Dating Advice tips to help increase your success in the world of Online Dating so you can date smarter and safer and meet TheOneThatYouWant!

1. Take time to write a careful winning online profile. Be open and honest about yourself, what’s the point in lying the truth will come out eventually. You wouldn’t want other people to mislead you online so don’t do it to other.

2 Describe the person that you would like to meet in detail. If you want to date someone who has never been married with no children, say so.

IM Confessionals: Breaking Up is Hard to Do.

October 27, 2009

So the other night I had a conversation with a friend of mine I’m yannibmbr, obviously, and she’s fallingstarsncards and the chat went a little like this: (more…)

What Women (really) Want.

October 26, 2009

I recently read a book about unveiling the mystery of a woman’s soul and I gleaned some good dating tips in the process. Basically the book states that there are 3 things every woman’s soul longs for: to be pursued, to feel beautiful and be part of an adventure. I happen to identify with these desires and I figured I would elaborate a bit on the topic to help the men out a bit. (more…)

The 8 Minute Dating Experiment.

October 23, 2009

MissC had written about her speed dating experiences not too long ago.  It’s something that I’ve been trying to do for a while now but for some reason or other it’s just never happened.  Speed dating was quite the fad and wildly popular around these parts not so long ago.  While this dating mechanism isn’t as popular as it once was, it still draws in a large number of people and there are a number of organizations that still put speed dating events together.  That said, I’m attending one today… How does one prepare for the occassion? (more…)

5 Important Traits of a Good Girlfriend.

October 22, 2009

I have asked some of my guy friends about what they think makes for a good girlfriend/partner in a relationship. Most of the time my friends said sex. That was it. Just sex. Well, I did get a few other nuggets out of them when I pressed for deeper and more meaningful answers.

Cat Betrays Girlfriend… D'oh!!

October 21, 2009

What's the Worst Dating Advice You've Received?

October 21, 2009

Advice.  It’s defined as “a proposal for an appropriate course of action”. I’ve given a lot of advice to people, some I know and some I don’t know.  Some of this advice is pretty good, while other advice I’ve doled out has been pretty damn awful.  Like that time I told Jason Rybka in high school that the sore on Jenny Gardner’s lip was nothing to worry about…  Sorry dude.  Anyway, good advice is sage; something that can surely help you avert disaster.  However, poor advice… Poor advice gets people punched in the baby-maker.  True story.  I’ve seen that TV show, ‘Cheaters,’ and I know what’s up!  By the way, brilliant freaking show.  Right up there with ‘Celebrity Boxing,’ but I digress.  So I was thinking about bad dating advice that I’ve been given over the years.  Man… I either need to stop taking advice from my friends or stop being so naive!!! (more…)

5 Topics to Avoid on a Date.

October 16, 2009

Typically, if I’m talking to someone about conversation on a date I’m suggesting topics of conversation. Things that will perk and pique a person’s interest. However, what’s just a critical, if not more so, is the topics that shouldn’t be discussed. They have the potential to mess up your date worse than one Evander Holyfield’s ear after Mike Tyson ate it for a sensible dinner. (more…)