Posts Tagged ‘observations’

When Good Sex Goes Bad

November 12, 2009

We have all had them in life… the “buddy” that only stays around because the sex is good.  Every time we get out of a semi-meaningful relationship, they are the first person we call.  It helps us to forget about what we are now out of and helps us to feel good and sexy again.  Plus, there is just something to be said about good sex making you forget about everything else in life.

But what happens when you get together that one time… and the sex is no longer good?  It never fails that one person becomes dissatisfied with the sex before the other.  How do you let the other person down gently?  You don’t want to criticize their skills in the sack.  But you are also no longer interested in hooking up with them.

But then the question becomes this: do you pass off the one bad time as a fluke?  Was it just a bad day?  Or is it something that will continue if you get together again?  And, are you even willing to get together with them again?  If the only reason you meet up with them is because the sex is good, and it no longer is, then is it worth seeing them anymore?

Unfortunately there is no gentle way to let someone know that you no longer want to be their buddy.  If you have moved in to a new relationship, it is quite simple.  But if you just don’t want to see them anymore, what can you do?  For a while, you can turn them down saying you have other plans and that you are busy.  But you can only be busy for so long.  In the end you have to explain to them that you are no longer interested in sleeping with them.  If only they made a Hallmark card for that…

IM Confessionals: Breaking Up is Hard to Do.

October 27, 2009

So the other night I had a conversation with a friend of mine I’m yannibmbr, obviously, and she’s fallingstarsncards and the chat went a little like this: (more…)

I Have a Nice Rack But No One Wants to Touch It: Confessions of a Sexually Starved "Hottie."

May 20, 2009

I have a nice rack. It’s basically a fact. And that rhyme is whiggity wack! Okay all joking aside:  Being in possession of said nice rack from the tender age of 13 I must admit I have misused it from time to time, yes sometimes it can be a crutch and used for the powers of evil!  By evil, of course I mean getting things for free that other less fortunate women not in possession of a nice rack must pay for: Drinks, free oil changes, backstage passes (yes I am serious),  free Starbucks (yes coffee!). Oh the list could go on and actually it does go on. So logic would dictate that if nothing else, my rack would allow me to excel in the dating world and in turn in the hot loving/make out world. It’s really a simple mathematical equation: If B (breasts) then C (copious making out). (more…)

Single Doesn't Have to Suck.

April 28, 2009

I’ll tell you, being 29 and not having been on a real date in over a year could be devastating to some young women. The constant question from my older relatives of “Why don’t you have a boyfriend?” That’s not fun. Being the only single person in attendance when one of my girlfriends has a party -sucks. Everyone around me seems to be getting engaged or married. How many times will I be a bridesmaid? Not fun. (more…)